Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Grammar Police

Pronoun Notes

Notes: Personal Pronouns 1st Person- the speaker or writer: I, Me, We, Us 2nd Person- person or persons spoken to: You 3rd Person- person or persons or things being spoken or written about: she, her, him, he, it, they, them Notes: Which pronoun you use depends whether it is being used as a subject or an object: Subject(doing the action): I, You, He, She, It Object(receiving the action): Me, You, Her, Him, It Examples: (I, Me) am going to the store. (He, Him) is a great baseball player. (She, Her) gave (he, him) a new bat. Don't forget the trick! Take the other person/people away to see what works alone. That is how you choose.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Message from Mrs. Smith 2.28

Remember the trick when choosing a pronoun that is paired with another person/item: Take the other person or item away and decide which pronoun works. It has to work alone in order to be the correct answer. Lat night, many of you missed the last question...My grandfather gave my brother and ME a fishing pole. You wouldn't say, "My grandfather gave I a fishing pole," so you wouldn't say, "my brother and I." IT HAS TO WORK ALONE CORRECTLY IN ORDER TO WORK WITH ANOTHER PERSON OR ITEM. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT TRICK. USE IT EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU CHOOSE. Do the form below and review pronouns carefully tonight.

HW 2.28

Monday, February 27, 2012

Message from Mrs. Smith

I'm proud of the work you've put into the pronoun and possessive noun work we are doing. Those of you still struggling, see me for a tutorial Tuesday at 3. We will have a test on Friday that will cover all the material on my blog since MLK. Use your flip, the blog, and any class material we've used to help you prepare. You will have Go Grammar HW each night this week. We will take a break from WW this week so you will have time to review and study.

HW 2.27

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

You may improve your Pronoun Quiz grade!

STUDY, STUDY, STUDY!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will have an opportunity to improve the pronoun quiz grade you earned in class tomorrow! Study the questions and answers I gave you and use the info on the blog to help you prepare. You can do this. It is up to you if you want to put in the time and effort. Go for it!! Mrs. Smith

Reflexive pronouns

Lesson: Reflexive Pronouns Notes: Reflexive pronouns repeat the subject or refer back to the subject. Singular reflexive pronouns end in -self Plural reflexive pronouns end in -selves. Examples: Singular- myself, yourself, himself, itself, herself Plural- ourselves, yourselves, themselves THEIRSELVES IS NOT NOT NOT A WORD!! ONLY USE MYSELF IF YOU HAVE FIRST USED I..REMEMBER ITS REFLEXIVE…IT MUST REFLECT…NOT STAND ALONE!! Class work: Worksheet

Friday, February 17, 2012

2.17 Class work

A Lot






Further=In Depth

One would ask, "How much farther?" on a trip in the car. If you are wondering who traveled the longest distance, ask, "Who came the farthest."

One would ask, "Can we discuss this further?" if they were interested in a more in depth conversation.

ER and EST never go together. Furtherest and Fartherest are not words! (Spellcheck is going to love this one!)

I or Me?

I or Me

First thing first: A subject is the thing in the sentence that is doing something. I went to the store. I is the subject in that sentence. The dogs barked at the car. Dogs is the subject in that sentence.

An object has something done to it or with it. I gave the bone to the dog. Dog and bone are objects in that sentence. Will you go to the store with me? Me is an object in that sentence.

Although not entirely correct, a good way to remember is this: Subjects are usually at the beginning; objects are usually at the end. (No letters from experts here, please.)

I is a subject; me is an object.

The trouble people have with choosing I or me comes when combining it with another person.

Nobody says, "Me went to the store." Nobody says, "She gave I a present."

Only a toddler would do this, right? Well it's exactly what one does when he/she says, "John went to the game with Sally and I." The two objects must work individually to work alone. You wouldn't say, "John went with I." So why would you say, ..."with Sally and I."

The correct way is, "John went to the game with Sally and me."
Review: I is a does things.

Me is an has things done to it, for it, or with it.



Myself is abused by those intending to sound formal and smart. Unfortunately, they are unaware that they accomplish the exact opposite.

Myself is a reflexive pronoun. It is only to be used if one has first used the pronoun I.

Examples: I know you like vanilla ice cream, but I myself like chocolate. OR I gave myself a present.

Do NOT use Myself as a subject! Example: John and Myself went to the game.

When you use two subjects together (compound subject), each must work alone before they can work together.

John went to the game...that works. Myself went to the game....that doesn't work. That's how you test it. I went to the game...that works. So the correct way to say it: John and I went to the game.

Same goes for Myself as an object (usually at the end of the sentence).

Incorrect: She went to the game with John and myself.

Again, if it doesn't work alone, it can't be paired with another person. She went to the game with John...that works. She went to the game with myself...that doesn't work. She went to the game with I....nope...still wrong. She went to the game with me....that works.

Correct: She went to the game with John and me.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

POSSESSIVESThere is a formula for making possessives. It's not a guessing game. If a noun is singular (one thing), you add an 's to make it possessive....EVEN IF IT ENDS WITH AN S. Examples: The dog has a bone.....The dog's bone. The girl has a bow....The girl's bow. Chris has a shirt....Chris's shirt. If it's plural (more than one) and already ends with an s, just add an apostrophe. Examples: All the girls have a locker room....The girls' locker room. The boys have a soccer game.......The boys' soccer game. If it's plural and doesn't end with an s (children, men, women), add 's. Examples: The children have a playground....The children's playground. The men have a club...The men's club. The women have a party....The women's party. A girl's night out is not going to be very social. A girls' night out, however, sounds like fun.